Piano Accompany, Pianist : Shirley Fan
钢琴伴奏, 钢琴家: 范翠育
SHIRLEY FAN is an accomplished educator, musician, and pianist. Throughout her life, Ms. Fan has won many top honors and prestigious titles. Ms. Fan was the first place winner in at the Kuna-Jean of Music competition for three consecutive years. In 1989, she graduated with honors from the Juilliard School of Music in New York. That same year, she captured the Grand Prize Winner title at the competitive Young Artist Keyboard Competition. She then went on to study piano pedagogy, piano performance, and piano accompaniment at Westminster Choir College of Rider University. Ms. Fan also received her advanced certification with “Distinction” in piano performance at the Royal School of Music. In 1994, she went to the Moscow School of Music, where she earned a Chamber Music Certificate and performed in Rachmaninoff Hall with renowned Russian musicians. Ms. Fan has appeared as a soloist and accompanist innumerous concerts and performed on many stages including Lincoln Center, Symphony Hall, Steinway Hall, Alice Tully Hall, Carnegie Weill Recital Hall, Nicholas Music Center. She has also appeared on television Channel 8 and 22. She has been with the Edison Chinese Chorus as a pianist since 2004.
Currently, Ms. Fan maintains an active, private studio, where she teaches private students. Her students have won various prestigious awards and performed at Carnegie Weill Recital Hall, Alice Tully Hall, Cami Hall and Merkin Hall. She also currently serves as an Artist Faculty at Westminster Conservatory of Rider University, where she has been teaching since 1997. In addition to being a teacher, Ms. Fan also judges for multiple competitions event such as New Jersey Music Teacher Association Piano Festival, Music Education Association, American National Guild Musicians, South New Jersey Music Teacher Association. In 2005, Ms. Fan founded the American-Asian Fine Arts Association and has been the artist director and President ever since 2000. Founder and Artist Director of International Music & Arts Society since 2011. She resides in Edison, New Jersey with her wonderful family--three lovely children, a very support and helpful husband, and a very cute dog.
范翠育女士是一位知名的钢琴家, 音乐教育家, 职业钢琴伴奏家。她先后毕业于紐約朱丽亚音音乐学院及紐泽西西敏大學, 並获得钢琴演奏,钢琴教育學士与硕士學位。在校期间,她参加过青年钢琴艺术比賽并多次获奖,先后经常被知名中外声乐家及各大合唱团体:如紐約乡音,海天,紐泽西乡音,乐悅,晓枫,华夏合唱团,西敏大學等合唱团邀请担任钢琴伴奏,深受好評。除此,她也在各地演出:如林肯中心,苏俄莫斯科 拉哈曼尼夫大厅,長島石溪大學,皇后大學,尼克拉斯大厅等。去年十一月也应邀于著名史坦威钢琴艺术家活動中表演。除此之外,她曾当过四年美国钢琴教師协会钢琴节主席,並经常参与 Music Education Association评審。最近,范女士更被选入”Who’s who in American”美國名人录並 於兩千零五年出版。在过去几年中, 她的学生每年在各項比賽中获獎,並在紐約林肯中心或威尔卡內基音乐厅表演。今年暑假期間在上海大剧院演出成功。范女士自2004年担任第一屆乡音合唱团音乐会钢琴伴奏至今。
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