3013-9-19 Mid-Autumn Festival Concert at Adult Medical Daycare center
On September 19, 2013, a team of ECC members went to the Adult Medical Daycare center, Sprinfield, NJ to celebrate the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn festival. Celebration of major festivals with senior citizens has become a ECC annual event over the years. This year, Aixinjueluo Hengyi, the renowned painting artist and Chinese soprano, hosted the performance. The team performed vocal music and dance. Songs covered are from various nations. Members also performed songs in Russian for Russian audience. It was a very successful performance.
2013 年9月19日上午乡音合唱团的一个小分队在艺术指导吕彬老师带领下来到了22号路旁边的Springfield成人日间护理中心( Adult Medical Daycare)与中外耆老共庆中秋佳节。著名国画家、民族唱法歌唱家、爱新觉罗•恒懿(金老师)主持了一个多小时的歌舞演出,并亲自登台表演,吕彬老师则是全场钢琴伴奏。节目丰富多彩。面对众多俄罗斯裔老人金老师还用俄语演唱了“莫斯科郊外的晚上” 等几首俄罗斯歌曲,有力地支持了乡音合唱团的演出。另外有赏月思乡的男中音独唱“月之故乡”,有民族独舞,还有由演员和该中心的老人们一起合唱的“夕阳红”:“最美不过夕阳红,温馨又从容,。。。。”。演员们衣着艳丽,歌声婉转,舞姿翩迁;老人们欣喜不已,掌声不断。演出结束后,中心已为老人们准备好了节日的盛宴。可老人们纷纷出来和乡音小分队的演员互致祝福,依依惜别,情景甚为感人。演员们甚感欣慰的是,看到耆老们生活得健康而尊严,仿佛想起自己远方的父母。觉得自己能通过这样的演出为他们增添一点节日的快乐,几天的辛苦变成了一句话:值了!