If you are interested in becoming a member, please read the Bylaw. There is an annual membership fee of $60.00. Please fill-out your contact information on the right and bring a check to our next practice. Make the check payable to Edison Chinese Chorus.
For date, time and location of our next practice, please send an email to contact@edisonchinesechorus.org, or use the form on the right to send us an email, we will get back to you shortly.
Thank you for your interest.
宣传中华文化是每一个炎黄子孙义不容辞的责任。有意加入或赞助乡音合唱团者可电话联系:908-217-2480 或电邮:contact@edisonchinesechorus.org
Copyright© 2012 Edison Chinese Chorus. All rights reserved.